Why Men Often Feel Insecure In their intimate relationship

Why Do Men Often Feel Insecure in Their Intimate Relationships

A romantic relationship is a beautiful bond. However, at some point in time, men may feel insecure. Such feelings of insecurity may be internal or due to some external stuff that’s bothering them. Often, a lack of self-confidence causes men to doubt their abilities to perform in bed. This extends to the doubtful instincts of the partner. Furthermore, men start disbelieving in their potential and distrust their partners too.

If ignored, insecurity starts interfering in all aspects of life. It is indeed a painful experience that is difficult to encounter emotionally. Besides taking a toll on relationships, it also ruins the individual’s mental health.

In this blog, we’ll explore some common signs of insecurities in relationships & their causes. We’ll also share some tips on reducing these insecurities.

What are the signs that a male partner is insecure in a relationship?

Before thinking about anything else, if you find your male partner driving some unhelpful thoughts or behaviors, something must be wrong. Here are the signs that confirm insecurities:

  • Constant thoughts of worries that the partner is unfaithful or cheating
  • Getting updates from the partner to make sure what they’re doing when they aren’t with them
  • Feeling jealous of the male friends
  • Allowing them to stay in touch with ex-boyfriends and then eyeing on the chemistry
  • Insecure feeling that the partner might break up in the relationship anytime
  • Urging for compliments and validations just to make sure you’re still interested in them

Things often make men feel insecure while in a relationship

1. Being unable to perform well in bed

Though it’s okay to be a low performer sometimes, a man starts feeling insecure when he knows his potential has declined. Sometimes, it’s because of sexual health disorders while other times, it’s the mental load that backs them from giving 100% during intimacies. Needless to say, a lack of self-confidence makes men feel more insecure & they start thinking that their partner will leave them soon. 

Most men using erectile dysfunction medicines (like Kamagra Jelly Australia, Cenforce 100etc.), premature ejaculation treatments, or sexual enhancers hide it from their partners. They think that their partner will not understand what’s going on with them. Thus, sexual disorders are often causing insecurities.

2. The partner keeps secrets

Sharing too much with the partner may spill the beans. Similarly, keeping too many secrets brews doubts and distrust in relationships. Men will consistently think that their female partner is hiding things and may be cheating on them, and that’s why she is being so mysterious. They’ll constantly try to find out what’s cooking in their partner’s mind. The male partner will do crazy things in confusion and end up feeling insecure.

3. Vulnerability to emotions

Having emotional balance is important whether it is a male or female. Most males are bad at managing emotions. They don’t open up with their partners and feel scared to share their minds. This is especially the case when the male had heartbreak or cheated in a previous relationship. Such feelings are magnified in current relationships too. On the opposite side, some men will take some time to get comfortable in the relationship first & then show their emotional side. They don’t commit soon or even say those three magical words. Afterward, they seem less vulnerable emotionally because they know their partner will understand them.

4. When the partner is doing better in life

‘Male ego’ is a thing and you only realize this if it starts interfering in your relationship. Not all women are the same. Some are better at fixing things, successful in their career, and sports, and smart of course! Such qualities seem pleasing at the start of the relationship but when a male partner is insecure, he takes such signs of success to his ego. He starts feeling that the female partner is letting him down just because she is better at things.  

5. The partner has many male friends

No male in this whole wide world is comfortable with male best friends of their partner. At some point in time, they may feel insecure or start doubting their bond. On the contrary, getting touchy with their male friend, partying too much, or sharing every bit of life makes them more doubtful. Though it may be all in their mind, they may never trust them with being ‘just friends’. 

How this insecurity impacts relationships?

As said above, insecurities in relationships affect both – mental health and the bond between partners. 

When it affects mental health, the male partner feels insecure that they aren’t worthy or don’t deserve to be loved. The impacts can be observed in how they interact with their family members, friends, children, or co-workers. Hereby, questioning self-worth makes them feel worthless.

In case a partner has a sexual disorder or uses oral remedies like Cenforce 200, Kamagra Oral Jelly they’ll not want to share this with their partner. Again, a lack of self-confidence brews distrust that their partner will leave them knowing they aren’t potent anymore. They feel they’ll never be able to satisfy their partner again. Thus, they’ll constantly seek validation from their partner to satisfy their ego & hear that their partner still loves them.

Is there any way this insecurity can be reduced?

  • Identify what’s triggering such insecurities
  • Face the situation instead of doubting self-worth
  • Understand that communication is the key
  • Start expressing your feelings to your partner
  • Listen to what your partner thinks or feels about you
  • Trust your partner over anything else
  • Consult a therapist whenever required

A Word from Medzsafe

Why would you live with self-doubt or insecurities in intimate relationships? It’s painful. Not only it makes breathing in your skin difficult but drives you towards isolation. Try to trust your partner and kill any doubts bothering you. Understand your fears & combat them. Communicate with your partner openly & encourage transparency in your relationship. These are just a few steps towards building a strong & healthy relationship with your partner.

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